I always wonder what you're supposed to put on these "about me" pages. I've gone through several incarnations of this one, and I'm never satisfied with what I come up with. I'm supposedly pretty smart. When they gave my first grade class an IQ test, I scored a 142 or 145 or something. That's genius level. Mom always bragged about it to everybody, just like she bragged that I learned to read when I was three. Then, when I was in sixth grade, I had switched schools (again) and the guidance counselor had to test me to see if I belonged with the gifted kids. (I'd been with the gifted kids in the previous two schools I'd gone to, so I didn't see why not.) Anyway, she gave me a test called the SLOSON, and I made it to the end of the test. When the subject gets two questions wrong, the test is over, and supposedly a lot of high school Seniors don't make it to the actual end of the test. Mom liked to brag about that, too, even though neither she nor anyone she bragged to really knew what the SLOSON test was. I just finished taking my IQ test on Tickle, and I scored a 138. So, despite the fact that I remain a lazy procrastinator, and I took seven years to finish my Bachelors Degree, I'm supposedly still fairly intelligent. |