4 thoughts on Willy Wonka, Tim Burton-style

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  1. holy crap.

    i’m on chapter III of your novel. i’m hooked πŸ˜› i can only read snippets between projects at work. but. voon – love it πŸ˜›

  2. wow… glad somebody’s actually reading that. πŸ™‚ guess i’ll have to post updates once i get a decent amount added… and put in more chapter stops. i think i gave up after chapter V or so.

  3. o.O i’m only on page 22 πŸ˜› i may change the font as it’s kind of hard to read for me, sometimes letters get smooshed together. Word also has some fantastic grammatical suggestions for you πŸ˜› i dont, because, well, i went to whitmer. ask Aaron. it’s an excuse πŸ˜›

  4. i tried downloading it at my work to see what it looked like – jeebus! do me a favor: when you read it, do a Select All, and tell it Times New Roman font. things will look a lot better.

    and word. word thinks i shouldn’t use so much passive voice, i’ll bet. i like passive voice, no matter what the grammarians say, so phooey on word.