Nothing To See Here…

Nothing new to report, really. Aaron’s on vacation this week and next, so I get to spend evening time with my Honey-Muffin. Yay!

I still haven’t quite recovered from my exhausting Sunday of corps rehearsal, though, and it doesn’t help that I keep staying up late so I can have more time with Aaron. 😛 Oh, so tired.

And I have so, so many things to do, big and small. Clean my desk. Redesign the LakeShoremen website. Work on my multimedia portfolio CD-R. Finish scrapbooking our honeymoon from two years ago (almost—next Tuesday will be two years). Practice my mellophone so I don’t disgrace myself in front of a battalion of returned Marines on Memorial Day.

What am I doing instead? Watching Aaron play Half Life, figuring out how to install eyelets / grommets, taking a shower, going to bed.

(As much as I want to have kids… part of me lives for these lazy evenings. In a couple few years, they’ll be a thing of the past.)

3 thoughts on Nothing To See Here…

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  1. big ups for lazy evenings and doing nothing to the fullest.

    re:coventry- the bookstore and record shop kicks ass.

    re:phunk junkeez – just a song lyric, never even heard any music by them.

  2. Consider yourself lucky you’ve never experienced the Phunk Junkeez. Their most memorable song for us was “What the Fuck, Chuck,” with such depth in lyrics as: “What the fuck, Chuck / What the, what the fuck, Chuck / You’re dead, Chuck / You stupid fuck…”

    Yeah. They got a much better reception when they toured with their heroes, ICP.