Playing Hookey

I scheduled today off of work to take the Intro to Flash workshop that NISDM was offering down at BGSU. Before the class started, the director of NISDM pulled me aside and let me know that, if I was interested, I could take tomorrow’s intermediate workshop at a massively discounted price. I did some quick calculations in my head β€” mainly regarding my amount of personal time from work, rather than my credit card balance β€” and told her to go ahead and sign me up.

Good thing, too, because if I’d paid $300 for the learnin’ I got today, instead of $400 for the learnin’ over two days, I’d be kind of pissed right now. It’s not their fault, though. I guess I just knew more about Flash than I thought I did. Some workshop participants really needed the supar-slow pace.

Today, near the end of the workshop, we got into fun stuff like animation. (Of course, I’d already been putzing with moving my little home-grown Pac-Man graphic around the screen by that point.) Tomorrow, we get to learn about Action Script, which is what I’m really looking forward to. I hope tomorrow gets in-depth enough that I feel like I got my money’s worth out of it.

I haven’t decided whether I should call in to work tonight, in advance, or tomorrow morning before I leave for BG. This is going to cost me some half-days I’d been planning to take, for carpooling to drum corps events and such, but I can just take two hours off on those days and make up the time, instead. I’m just glad to have this second day of workshopping.

Like I was telling Sheryl, I’m feeling pleasantly web-geeky lately. Reading my Designing With Web Standards book, figuring out PHP and MySQL and getting a login system going on the new LSM site, taking Flash workshops… hell, you’d think I was a web designer or something. πŸ˜‰