
Yeah, I know. I used to post every day, and now I post about as often as I shower.

OK, OK, not really. *paranoid glance*

I have quite a bit to blog about, but I’ve been working on other things and actually having a social life. Amy came up this weekend, and she and Aaron and I went up to the Ann Arbor Art Fairs. I have some pics to post of that, and I think that will be a good excuse to try my hand at creating a database-driven photo gallery. Anyway, that was my Saturday, and hanging out with Amy in BG was my Friday evening.

My Sunday was a drum corps rehearsal up in St. Clair Shores, MI. The staff shared some new information about our trip to the DCA Championships in Scranton, PA, but some of that is still privileged info. Suffice to say, that last hour of rehearsal was one of “oh shit, we have HOW many rehearsals to get this show clean?!” For me it was, at least. I tend to be a little high-strung about rehearsals, even without the unexpected kicking-it-up-a-notch.

This evening, I planted some Lilies of the Valley that Scott from work thinned out of his garden. It’s not exactly the best time of year to plant, but maybe β€” just maybe β€” I’ll be able to keep these full-grown plants alive better than the baby ones.

I also started working on the LSM site redesign again, after a week of slackitude that I could scarcely afford. I now have a userTable and an eventTable set up in my happy content management database. My goal for tomorrow is to complete a functional calendar and event detail pages. I think it’s a reasonable goal, and one I can accomplish in an evening.

And that’s my life in a nutshell. I have lots of details I want to fill in, but goodness knows when I’ll get around to it β€” that is, assuming I don’t get totally derailed by some other blog topic in the meantime, and end up forgetting to post about my nifty bamboo sax or about the abortion protestor in Ann Arbor.

Man… I wish I didn’t have to sleep. Or shower.