Spicy Catfish Nuggets

I just created something yummy. Forgive the lack of measurements β€” I’m my Memaw’s grandbaby, and tend not to measure when I can get away with it. πŸ™‚

Catfish nuggets, unfrozen
2 Tbsp butter
Cayenne pepper
Lemon pepper
Ground ginger
Salt & pepper

Preheat over to 350°F. Melt butter in a medium-sized bowl. Combine spices in a second bowl or dish. Dip catfish nuggets one by one in melted butter, then in spices, then place each in a glass baking dish. Bake at 350&deg for about 30 minutes, or until flaky.

For dipping: in lieu of tartar sauce, I combined mayonnaise with lemon juice and the drippings from the nuggets after they were done. They’re flavorful enough that they really don’t need any sort of sauce, though.

I ended up putting in more cayenne than I really needed, so my nuggets were super-spicy. I also think I may have left them a tad underdone (I was really hungry and growing impatient). Apart from that, though, I think I’m onto something here.

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