Portraits of Christmas Past

Since Aaron and I moved in together and bought ourselves our very own plastic prelit Christmas tree, I decided to initiate a new tradition: Christmas family portraits. This year, with the arrival of the new Nikon D50 digital SLR (read: fancy camera), I decided it might be fun to look at the photos of our Christmases so far.

It’s interesting to see how we’ve changed, and how my craft has improved over the years.

I do have to mention, though, that one thing remains constant. After witnessing my mother trying to pose the two of us for portraits way back in ’97, I know that the basis of getting a good portrait with Aaron is making sure he is comfortable. Mom can pose portraits well β€” she worked for Olan Mills for 10 years or so, and continues to work in a portrait studio β€” but Aaron’s back doesn’t deal well with the kinds of sitting and twisting she requests sometimes. Make sure Aaron’s comfy, then fit me and the cat in the picture, and everything’s on it’s way to being good. πŸ™‚

8 thoughts on Portraits of Christmas Past

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  1. Ok now I know I have to get back on the diet. You two look Great!

    Also thanks for the tip on posing men I think they all hate it. I get alot of “I don’t care”s from the men they just go to make there wifes happy.

  2. holy crap, you look fantastic! is that last picture this year? goddamn, honeycakes πŸ˜‰

    mei, on the other hand, is not good for posing πŸ˜› zim isnt either. oscar, however, is a ham.

  3. go you indeed πŸ˜€

    i think what also makes this year’s portrait win is that it actually looks like a portrait, and not a picture of the room that happens to have the two of you in it – you’re the focus, not the tree. the background doesnt have any knickknacks or shelves or any other environment pieces except the tree, and it’s close enough for you to be the subject and see your faces well.

    πŸ™‚ fantastic!

  4. thank you! i am in complete agreement, and i’m kind of surprised that i didn’t pose us like that before. hindsight, though, you know.

    once we start throwing a kid into the portrait mix, i may have to get a little more creative. that won’t be for a while yet, though.

  5. rowr. my new xanga will be named “gairtza” if you are so inclined to keep up with my ramblings. expect the first post next year. woo! i will keep the other one – i just won’t be updating.