Grown-Up Toys

Yesterday, Aaron and I spent our tax return on a new Whirlpool washer from Appliance Center. It was delivered today, and is now swishing happily next to our 20-year-old Maytag dryer.

No more trips to the Reynolds Laundromat on Sunday evenings! Not that I didn’t enjoy my times there β€” the staff were always friendly, and the washers always worked as expected (as long as I didn’t overfill them), and there was only one time in the past year that the place was too busy for me to comfortably do my laundry.

So, thanks, Reynolds Laundromat, for hosting my weekly washings… but I’m good to go from now on.

I feel all domestic.

3 thoughts on Grown-Up Toys

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  1. Did you get the super capacity model? I know next time i have to go out and buy a washer and dryer I’ll prolly buy a front loader, I heard they are better on water. But my top loader kicks butt. I’ve did loads that should have been split in two, at least since I’ve been on my own πŸ™‚


  2. appliance squee! i always forget that we actually bought the washer and dryer in our apartment. i feel like we’re renting them still. but we’re NOT! we OWN THEM! isnt it great? i love domestic-like toys. squee!! πŸ˜€