Thursday night: Got to the bus station OK. Bus was only 10 minutes late after a 24-hour-plus bus trip. Proceeded to miss my turn off of Detroit while coming home and drove around the seedy part of Toledo for AN ENTIRE HOUR. Finally got home by taking I-75 North to I-475 West and South. After Mom and I got to the house, she called Gary, who proceeded to call back at least twice after midnight.
Friday: Woke up at 10:30am to find Mom already awake. Hung out and talked until Aaron got up around noon. Went to lunch at the Happy Rose buffet. Mom and I then went shopping. Best Buy didn’t have the selection of digital cameras she wanted, so we went to Circuit City, where she ended up purchasing the display model of the Kodak P830. Got Mom some socks and reading glasses at the Dollar Tree. Got me a skirt at Dots. Got Mom some shorts and got me a new convertible bra and some body wash at Target.
Came home, saw Aaron off to work. Did my PUSH workout while Mom watched. Started making dinner. Gary called. I made spaghetti while Mom talked to Gary. Ate dinner while watching Victor/Victoria. Played with Mom’s camera. Talked. Then Aaron came home early! Yaye! Mom went to bed just before midnight, and now here I am, blogging it all.
Saturday? Crosby Festival in the early afternoon, then Aaron goes to bachelor dinner with Kris Heath and company, while Mom and I possibly make something special for dinner here.
It’s nice having Mom around. I hope her circumstances back home aren’t such that she’ll need to move in with us, though… for many reasons, but certainly not because I wouldn’t want her around.