Doctor’s Appointment

Visited the OB-GYN’s office today, for the first time since college. Don’t worry, I won’t give gory details β€” not that there are many gory details to give. Most of my time was spent waiting, either in the waiting room or in the examination room.

Let me say that I started out the day pretty stoked. I stepped on the scale, and it told me I weigh 201.5 lbs, which is continuing my downward trend, and is my lowest weight point since December 2004. When I got to the doctor’s office (over my lunch break) and the nurse was doing her pre-exam thing, the scale in the examination room also read 201. Rock! My scale’s not fubar!

Then, after a long several minutes of me chilling out on the examination table, the doctor came in.

One of the things I asked Dr. Okin was whether I should try to lose more weight before trying to conceive, or if I should just wait until after pregnancy to continue my weight loss. Predictably, she told me that a woman should be in her best physical shape before becoming pregnant. Sure, that makes sense. Then she continued to tell me things I already know: My BMI is 29, I should be around 21 to 23, and that means my ideal weight is around 160 lbs.

Right. So, considering the steady weight loss trend of .5667 pounds a week I’ve had since July (yes, I *do* have a weight-tracking Excel spreadsheet), and not discounting any lengthy plateaus, I should be in prime condition to conceive in… *does calculations* …April of 2008.


She must realize I’m not inclined to wait, though, because she prescribed me some prenatal vitamins.

(The entry continues in a rambling self-pitying fashion, should you care to read on…)

I’m realizing now why I seem to dislike doctors, as a general rule. My weight is always an issue, and it makes me uncomfortable.

Dr. Okin suggested I go with Weight Watchers, or a similar program with a support group. I know it works, but I’m kind of enjoying succeeding on my own terms. Plus, I lost 50 pounds with my husband (and the internet) as my only support group. I gained back ten, now I’ve lost ten again, and I’m ready to continue losing. If it ain’t broke…

Before Dr. Okin, my step-Gary’s doctor informed me that my knees were “giving out” on me due to my weight. Thanks, genius. The doctor at the Student Death Health Center at BG said the same thing at about the same time, and suggested I take up biking or swimming, neither of which sounded like much fun at the time. (I would rather have been back in drum corps.) Even before college β€” back in junior high, I think β€” I got some sort of bloodwork done and was given a photocopied pamphlet of how to eat heart-healthy.

I just can’t think of a standard doctor visit where I wasn’t specifically reminded of how fat I was. Which, I know, should have been a cue to lose weight; but it wasn’t like Mom and I weren’t trying. We *thought* we were, anyway. In all honesty, I don’t think we were trying very hard.

The point is, I’m trying to lose weight *now*, and succeeding, and it really irked me to be at a two-year low and to have the doctor tell me, nope, you’re still fat.

I could go on, but I won’t. Instead, I’ll go watch Alton Brown and then find something around the house to clean, before I start making public things that should go in a private journal entry.

3 thoughts on Doctor’s Appointment

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  1. I had a docotr tell me that I was too fat (Remember my knee problems?!?! I was 165 then. Doctors should focus on Are you eating healthy? Are you exercising? I hope you aren’t over indulging on sweets and fats. Then you are healthy.

  2. Doctors always told me that, too, I mean that I was overweight. Starting in Junior High.

    Before I read past the cut I was going to suggest that you join Weight Watchers. It’s not just a hive-mind thing, I swear. They also don’t give me a discount for getting people to join.

    The weight you’re supposed to lose weekly on WW is 2 pounds. That’s 8 pounds a month. When I first joined I lost 5.3 pounds a month (on average) and now I’m losing about 2.25 per month.

    There are a lot of studies that prove that losing weight with groups and friends and stuff is more effective. Also, it might be a nice way to meet people from all walks of life who live in your area.

  3. A doctor is *always* going to tell you that you need to lose weight. Whatever you are comfortable with weight-wise is your ideal weight.

    I personally feel these BMI’s and what not are made up by the government doctors–and we know how good thay are with numbers.

    According to my height, I should weigh 155lbs. They seem to never take into account differing body structures. I think about 180 would be good for me.

    Well I guess I will shut up now because I am just some guy.