[Posted on Flickr by dianaschnuth].
My drumcorps buddy Paul just started a Flickr account and, like so many new Flickrites, has started scanning and uploading photos from his past.
I had been using my Flickr account for artsy photos I was proud of… but Paul inadvertently made me rethink that decision. So, I’ve started scanning and uploading old photos of my own, starting in 2002. (I was going to start at the end of college in 2001 and work backwards, but 2002 was still a lot of fun.)
Expect more retrospective photos in the near future!
PS – Kris. I must borrow and scan your photo album with the photos of Aaron’s move out of Lake of the Schnuth. Especially the one with the giant long brown couch strapped to the top of the Taurus station wagon. Holy shit, that was priceless.
Sure. No problem. That is by far the most awesome feat of moving I have ever acomplished. I’ll say no more.
i’ll say no more.
indeed. we’ll let the pictures speak for themselves.
taurus + couch + torrential rain = memorable move
Dude! That’s the day I scored that Oberheim synth!!! That is no more…
Dianadiana… why have I not your phone number still?