Moving Aaron To BG, August 1998

Tuesday 18 Aug 1998 | 12:05am

Fries and I helped Aaron move to BG on Saturday. Three trips: one with his box springs and mattress lashed to the top of the Land Barge, one with his loveseat, and one with his 7-foot sofa. The second trip his car stalled, and the third was in pouring rain. But he’s moved in now, and almost settled in at his new place. Basement apartment, yay! “The Schnuth Cave.”

During the last trip, with the giant couch, we were driving down Dixie Highway into Bowling Green. Any BG person knows that around Kroger, on North Main Street, the road tends to flood in heavy rains. We weren’t privy to that yet, though, and were confused by the police and general chaos happening by the Pharm. As I recall, it was reminiscent of a Bill Cosby skit:

“What’s the sign say?”

“The sign says, ‘High Water’.”


We ended up driving over the submerged curb into the Pharm parking lot to skirt the massive puddle that was North Main that evening.

After successfully moving the sofa into the Schnuth Cave, I believe Kris declared that he was going down to BW3 (as it was then called) to get a drink.

Scans courtesy of Kris Fries. I’m so glad to have digital copies of these priceless memories!

2 thoughts on Moving Aaron To BG, August 1998

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  1. Yeah I remember that day sort of. I guess I forgot about the first trip–maybe I missed that one. I remember some momentary thoughts of trying to push the loveseat into the back of the Taurus and after some mental measurements announcing it’s gotta go on the roof. This was the most fun/torture I have ever had moving someone.