2006 Wrap-Up, introductory meme

It probably works better on LiveJournal, but I’ll do it here anyway: the first line (or few lines) of the first post of each month of 2006.

January: I have so many different ideas queued up for year-end (or New Year’s, as it were) lists and essays and whatnot. Unfortunately, I am so unenthused about writing right this moment that none of them are going to happen today.

February: One of my co-workers is pregnant with twins — girls, most likely. I overheard her saying that she and her husband had actually started their children’s college fund with last year’s tax return, before they even started trying for a baby (and before they got two for the price of one).

March: This entry is about porn. If you are under 18, are squeamish about the general idea of porn (or, more specifically, about the idea of me looking at porn), or if you are my mother, you probably shouldn’t read this.

April: I have a laundry list of topics to write about. Anime Punch, last week’s diet and fitness update, my new swimsuit (!!), my poor dying hollyhock seedlings. Not to mention working on my poor neglected NaNoWriMo novellette, or Podcast #10.

May: I’ve never done online research solely on Ancestry.com before. I’ve never had the run of the place. I’ve always assumed I’d have access to my U.S. Census Records Collection, a few free databases, and that’s it. Now, though, the whole place is my playground, and I don’t know where to start.

June: I donated blood for the first time yesterday. It wasn’t bad.

July: Well, last weekend was Mom’s visit, and the weekend before was the Waterville Community Garage Sale, so this weekend has been the first where we’ve been able to think about painting the small bedroom.

August: The Vacation Thus Far: Monday: Bought the newest Civ IV expansion at Best Buy. Ran some random errands with Aaron. Maxxed and relaxed at home in the AC and played my new game.

September: I hate it when I get to this slightly tired state, where my brain is getting a little disjointed and my body is starting to shut down, but my creativity is begging me to DO SOMETHING.

October: I’m taking Friday off of work, so that Aaron and I can drive eight hours to Utica, NY for an anime convention.

November: Time was when my Mom and I would go visit my Aunt Sammie, cousin Michael and Memaw every Sunday after church.

December: For anyone who remembers Jeff “Pip” Hawley, from Residential Computing Connection at BGSU…