I no longer have a desk to accomodate such a thing, but I so could have used this back when I worked at RCC.
It’s a USB hub that fits in the little 3-inch desk hole where your cables go. How cool is that. Belkin is apparently planning to release an iPod dock adapter along these same lines. OMGWTFBBQ. I <3 gadgetry... except when I currently have no earthly use for it. Maybe someday I'll reclaim sufficient geek status to work somewhere with a desk hole. *sigh* [via NOTCOT.ORG]
Thank you for using OMGWTFBBQ. π
I have no idea what you are talking about with that abbreviation…
Don’t worry; I had to have it explained to me, too. You’re really not missing anything. It’s really what you think:
OMG = Oh My God
WTF = What The Fuck
BBQ = Barbeque
It’s a play on the internet lingo alphabet soup that ppl use today. It’s the same thing as someone typing, “OMG!!!!111eleventy-one!” The person typing is just being an internet dork. π
Ha! I like the eleventy-one thing! So… I’m a big internet dork. WOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!1