I hadn’t been going to blog about this weekend, until my cube-buddy James mentioned how much stuff I’d been telling him that I did this weekend. I hadn’t really thought about it, but I suppose Birthday #31 was a pretty jam-packed weekend.
Saturday began with a little evilness: lunch at the Happy Rose Buffet. Afterward, we went next door to Lowe’s and purchased a square shovel and potting soil. (I need to remove the dead grass from the edges of our sidewalk, and I need to repot my houseplants.) Then we made our weekly pilgrimage to Goodwill, and of course found nothing of interest.
Earlier in the week, we’d gotten an advertisement from Banner Mattress and Furniture in the mail, touting their latest “No Interest, No Payments Until…” deal. The magic year: 2011. Four years to pay off a minimum of $1000 of furniture. We are in need of some new furniture — and not just “new-to-us” furniture like we’ve been using all our adult lives. It’s time to grow up and actually buy a couch.
So we did.
We meandered around Banner Mattress for probably a half hour, deciding on a large sofa, recliner / massager, and an understated dining room table and chairs. The financing didn’t work out quite as we’d hoped, and we ended up with one year instead of four to pay off our $1700 of new furnishings, but that’s still quite do-able. The couch and dining room set will be delivered sometime on Saturday, and the recliner will arrive in six to eight weeks (we just *had* to special-order the green color instead of taking the burgundy that was in stock). Due to the financing snafu, we ended up being at Banner for much, MUCH longer than we’d originally intended… but that’s OK. I think the new furniture’s worth the wait. Plus, we got to get all up-close and personal with our intended couch while we waited.
That evening, Aaron took me to birthday dinner at Red Lobster, where I indulged in some lobster and shrimp, and we shared not only stuffed mushrooms as an appetizer, but also the Chocolate Wave for dessert. We then came home and enjoyed a short stroll around the neighborhood, to take in the fantastic weather and get our dinner moving along.
After our walk, Aaron let me open my birthday present.
He got me a new iPod. 30GB. With a screen twice as big as the one on my Mini.
I wasn’t expecting that AT ALL. I promptly synched it up to my iTunes, then ordered a belt clip and a nifty brushed aluminum case online. Even with my entire iTunes library on my iPod, it’s not even half full. I was swapping out music left and right on my Mini, to keep the songs I liked and still switch out some fresh music. This is going to be friggin’ sweet.
And that was Saturday.
Sunday was a bit more normal, more low-key, but no less enjoyable. Lunch was grilled BBQ burgers at home. After lunch was a trip to Oak Openings for an hour-long walk on the nature trail. On the way home from Oak Openings, I caved in and requested a stop at Dairy Queen, where we both got Blizzards. (Smalls, of course, although they still had 61g of sugar apiece. Hell, it was my birthday. I didn’t care.)
Then the day went into the more ordinary: I did laundry, and Aaron left to do shopping. When he came back, he made me peanut butter chicken for at-home birthday dinner, we relaxed for a while, and we had birthday snuggle-time.
Overall, it was an exceptional birthday weekend, and not just because Aaron got me an iPod. ^_^
Sounds like you had fun. Cool.
Peanut butter chicken???
Happy birthday. Exactly how “up close and personal” did you get on the couch at the store? Don’t they kick people out for stuff like that?
dan: not *that* kind of “up close”!
mom: peanut butter chicken is yummy! i posted the recipe on my site a while back: