Went to dinner with some former co-workers after work today: Loni and Angie, with whom I worked in Lockbox; and Jen, who worked in Lockbox after I’d left, but also worked in Loan Corrections with me until recently. We looked at Jen’s wedding pictures and my Japan pictures, and talked about our job prospects after the upcoming merger.
I hadn’t really been in the mood to be social until I got there, but I’m glad I went. I’d forgotten how fun it can be to swap stories and just socialize with people other than Aaron’s friends. Granted, I do like Aaron’s friends, and most of them I can count as my own friends by now. It’s a little different to go out with The Girls, though, and talk about old times and future plans.
I don’t think I’m “outing” Loni by publishing the fact that she’s planning to start a Lockbox business of her own in short order. She’s talked to an attorney, potential clients, Sky’s HR department, and the company that develops the processing software, and she seems to have her ducks all in a row. It’s awesome that she has a plan for the remainder of her pre-retirement years (and she does have a while yet), but it’s funny that she’s going back into the business that we all so vehemently tried to escape. She knows what kinds of mistakes not to make, though, and how fast she can grow, how many accounts she can take on, things like that. I’ll be curious to keep tabs on how her business fares.
Angie noticed that I’d lost weight since I’d seen her last — looking at my handy-dandy historical weight chart, I see that I’ve lost about fifteen pounds since then. It made me feel pretty good that, despite my uber-slow weight loss of late, she noticed as soon as she saw me that I was looking slimmer than before. I also mentioned that I’ve been doing strength training and following the Body for Life program… then I ate a shrimp quesadilla while she stuck with the taco salad. Meh.
All in all, I enjoyed my visit with my old co-workers. Yeah… sometimes I forget that there are other people out there who really do give a damn.