Thrift Saturday

Weekends in Toledo can be a little, shall we say… repetitive. Luckily, since our chosen distraction of late is thrifting and hitting garage sales, at least the results of our haul will change from weekend to weekend.

At our first stop, the Savers just off of Secor, I picked up a pinstriped miniskirt for $5.99. Not sure why I’ve been wanting to rock the miniskirts lately, especially since I feel so uncomfortable when I try to wear them in public (“OMG, my butt is right there!“), but I keep buying them, anyway. At the register, we had a conversation with the cashier about my Pixies shirt and how the cashier loved listening to Pandora. Unexpected, but cool.

While we were in the neighborhood, we hit the Allied Record Exchange, but didn’t really find anything. Since I still have stacks of $1 CDs at home from previous trips, I didn’t scour the budget CDs like I usually do, though. No video games or guides jumped out at Aaron, either, unfortunately. I managed to remember enough Japanese to read the spine of Shenmue for Aaron, which was fun. (Him: “There’s an import Dreamcast game down there! Wonder what it is…” Me (bending down and pausing): “Sh… eh… n… Shenmue!” Him: “Oh, yeah, that was here last time.”)

We also ran past the fairly-recently-updated Goodwill on Sylvania, but also had no luck. Usually we find something there β€” a book, or a vintage video game, or a camera β€” but not this time.

It wasn’t exactly thrift, but we checked out the new Health Foods by Claudia at Secor and Sylvania, too. Picked up some whole wheat, fat-free fig cookies and a couple boxes of No-Pudge Fudge Brownie Mix. I love that brownie mix (just add fat-free yogurt!), and Claudia’s has been the only place we can find it locally. Aaron especially misses the beer and wine section they had at their old store β€” we got a bottle of mead on sale there once, and it was surprisingly good.

Today’s weather was sticky and humid and overcast, so there weren’t very many garage sales going on. (We also got a slightly late start for garage saling.) So, the only one we managed to hit was a basement sale:

Yard In Basement

The only potential item of interest was a telescope for $15, but one leg of its tripod was broken (“A little super glue and it’s good as new!”) and it was missing the bolt to mount it to the tripod. If not for that, I might have picked it up, as it also had software to connect to your laptop and take digital photos.

Ikkyu-sanAfter dinner, we made one final stop past the Savers on Reynolds and Heatherdowns. We did end up buying a pullover sweater and a summer dress for me, a t-shirt for Aaron (advertising the Testicle Festival in a small town in central Ohio), and an Agfa Isoflash Rapid camera that apparently takes film cartridges that are no longer manufactured.

What we didn’t end up buying were these VHS tapes of Ikkyu-san, an anime by the Toei Animation Studios from the ’70s. These particular tapes were of the Chinese variety, but the anime was apparently quite popular across Asia.

What we also didn’t end up buying were these super-stylish jackets:

Nice jackets!

Ironically enough, at the register, the cashier complimented me on my Pixies shirt, and we established that she knows the cashier at the other Savers who also liked my Pixies shirt. We also established that she knows a distant cousin of Aaron’s who happens to have the same given name as his brother, which consistently causes confusion around town (“Are you so-and-so’s brother? I went to school with him! Oh, your brother graduated in the ’90s? Maybe not…”).

So, all in all, a fun thrift day, if not a particularly bountiful one.