I scanned my 11-exposure roll in a single contact sheet, then cropped this image out of that scan, so the focus is just a touch fuzzier than the actual negative since it was in a plastic negative sleeve. The non-square format is due to a double-exposure at the frame edge — as I noted on last year’s test roll, my particular Starmatic experiences some slippage after advancing the film, and I forgot to under-wind to compensate.
If I plan to use my Starmatic on any sort of regular basis, I need to remember that:
- The camera should be absolutely still. No walking and snapping a blurry photo.
- I should under-wind the film after each exposure. Otherwise, when the film-advance sprockets slip, I’ll get a double-exposure on the edge of the frame.
- There is some parallax error — similar to those old rectangular 110 Instamatic cameras, but not nearly that bad. Adjust the subject slightly to the left if you want it centered.
- Be careful unloading the film! It’s too easy to expose the edges if the film is wound too loosely. Perhaps adjusting the tension on the take-up reel is in order.