As I’ve been preparing photos and words about my son’s third birthday, I realized that actually remember my own third birthday party. Aunt Connie hosted it at her house, and it was Mickey Mouse themed. I got a Mickey Mouse Club tea set (above), which I had forgotten was from that birthday; and my Super Girl shirt, which I had completely forgotten existed until I scanned this picture.
There are more pictures of me and my cake and my cousins!

Blowing out the candles. Beside me is my cousin Justin.

Posing with my cake. One of my aunts is trying to stay out of the picture.
(They’re twins, so it’s hard to tell which one it is.)

Everybody! (I think.) Aunt Connie’s kids Jamie and Dawn, then me in the middle, then Aunt Bonnie’s kids Justin and Mike.

Memaw, me, and Mike. Memaw was in her mid-40’s here.
Although I haven’t been consistently close with my father’s side of the family over the years, my Aunt Connie and Aunt Bonnie (and Dawn, when she’s not working, and her youngest son) have been coming to celebrate Connor’s birthday with us for the past couple of years now.
Feels like things have come full circle, somehow.