It was a Friday afternoon, April 10th, when our dishwasher started making a weird whining noise.
I had originally planned to take the day off for a salon appointment, but the pandemic changed my plans to just staying at home instead of working from home. Aaron was about to go play video games with our son, and I’d been about to either clean my desk or weed the garden, when we started up the dishwasher and it made that funky noise.
We thought it was clogged. So we spent some two hours cleaning it, dismantling it (with help from YouTube), running it, dismantling it AGAIN… Once we realized that it was draining just fine, and that it wasn’t clogged at all, we resigned ourselves to calling in a professional.

No worries, right? Just call a plumber. No, wait, an appliance repair place.
Except that our go-to repair place was closed for COVID-19.
So was almost every other appliance repair place in town, except for one that would come out for “essential” appliance repairs only: refrigerator, freezer, washing machine, furnace, etc.
After four weeks of washing our dishes by hand, we called up our favorite appliance repair service on the day they reopened. They got us an appointment for the next day, at which we got the news that our dishwasher not only needed a new motor, but it was leaking into our subfloor and down into the basement. (Luckily, nothing got ruined.)
Today, after yet another week of waiting (and washing by hand), the repairman installed the replacement parts, and at least one aspect of our lives is now back to normal.
How did we live in our last house for nine years without a dishwasher? #firstworldproblems