At Least I Can See It Coming Now

I hit the button to start writing a new post, and now I have a blank page staring back at me.

I’m here because I’m feeling kind of blah, and have felt that way for a good part of the day, for no discernible reason. Worked from home this morning, took my son to a doctor’s appointment this afternoon. Read a magazine because I didn’t want to play on my phone anymore. Ordered sushi for dinner (Connor requested a Philly roll and a Salmon Skin roll).

Haven’t wanted to do a damn thing this whole afternoon. There’s stuff I’ve wanted to get done, but nothing I wanted to take action on. I recognize this mood: if I’m not careful, I’ll end up watching YouTube for two or three hours and possibly eating an after-dinner snack and two desserts.

I received a friend request from a duplicate account on Facebook that actually does seem likely to be who they say they are. Still, though, I’m skeptical of all duplicate FB accounts. I contacted them via all other channels to verify — multiple email addresses, their other FB account — with no answer yet. I’m a little concerned, but not sure what I can do, and that’s not helping my funk right now.

If I don’t distract myself somehow, I’ll start down the path of legit reasons I have to be down on myself, and that’s definitely not helpful.

We’ll see.

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