Sure enough, I blew through that roll of film in my Lomo in no time. The last third or so of the roll I took in the laundromat this evening. I’m very curious about how this stuff is going to come out. I tried to use different focus ranges and even set the aperture once to see the difference between autoexposure and manual. If they come out, I should have some really keen lomographs. 🙂
I think I have one free roll of developing from Snapfish, so I’ll probably dig out one of those mailers and send out my roll of Lomo film tomorrow.
…Which reminds me, I think I still have a roll of film MIA to Signature Color. What was the last thing I photographed? Not Dayton, because I used my digital (and Amy took the pics at the museum with her digital). ::looks back for photo-worthy events in LJ:: Hmm. I dunno. ::checks checkbook register:: Oh, yeah! I went to the zoo with Aaron on our vacation. The check was dated for 8/2, so hopefully they should have my film by now. Jeez. Maybe I’d better check and see if my check has been cashed yet… and by whom.
PS – My layout is really almost done now. Check it out. w00t!