Fitness Update

First, the word on weight. I’ve gained nine pounds back of the fifty I lost. Ungood. Aaron’s gained back 14 of his 60. We’re falling off the wagon, but at least we recognize the fact and want to do something about it before it gets out of hand.

Today, while I was at work, Aaron modded our Dance Dance Revolution dance mat and rearranged our basement to create a DDR Station. Now we can have our indoor cardio without me killing my knees on a sliding mat, and without jiggling knick-knacks throughout the entire house. Pretty sweet.

As soon as I’m done here, I’m going to go upstairs and unearth Aaron’s 20-minute ab workout VHS tape (courtesy of Goodwill or some other such thrift store) and go make my abs hurt. Yay, pain…?

Yesterday, I worked my legs (again), stopping only when my knees told me it was time. Truth be told, my legs were a little jiggly, anyway, but the knees were the deciding factor. I remember back in high school (before I had bad knees), working out in gym class on the Universal machine, on the section with the leg press whoziewhatsit. I loved that thing, and I could kick its ass, because my legs have always been relatively strong. (After all, I have to haul *me* around, and I’ve never been light.)

So, yeah. I’m off to go do an ab workout before I lose my nerve/will/desire to exercise tonight.

Edit: OK, I lied. It wasn’t a 20-minute workout; it was a five-minute workout. Various kinds of crunches, 100 reps total. I can tell it worked something quite a bit, though, so I’m not going to do any more abs tonight. We’ll see how I feel tomorrow.

On A Roll

This morning when I woke up, my thighs were sore. It wasn’t one of those ?OMG this sucks? kinds of sore, though—more like a feeling of strength, a good kind of sore. I still don?t think I overdid it. It felt good. It still does.

I was pretty much chained to my desk today, since today was my day to help answer the phones, so I couldn’t get up and wander aboot and stretch my legs as much as I wanted. I think my hamstrings would be less sore right now if I could have taken a few extra bathroom breaks today and walked around. Ah, well. I can stretch now, anyway.

This evening, before dinner but after Aaron had left for work, I worked my upper body with 5lb weights. Afterward, I wrote down what exercises I’d done today and yesterday—not for public consumption, just for my own personal edification, so I can remember what kicked my ass and what works what muscles more and what I need to do more of.

Oh, but first things first. Before I even started my workout this evening, I got out the digital camera and took a front and side Before Picture. Again, these are not for public consumption. Not yet, anyway; not until there’s a sufficient After Picture to go with them. 🙂 I wish I’d taken a Way Before Picture, back in 2003 when Aaron and I first started Atkins. I mean, I can look at my face in pictures and go ‘eek!’ but I can’t really see the rest of me in all its OMFG glory. Heh… maybe that’s a good thing.

Three days o’ working out in a row. How many days does it take to make a habit, do they say? Ten? Thirty? Either way, I’ve got a good start.

Thank Jebus For Sheryl

Sheryl rocks. She shows me exercises that make my legs happy. …Well, actually, they’re not very happy right at this moment, but they will be!

So, I had decided that I needed to exercise more often, especially those muscles that ended up being so sore after the drumcorps camp a couple weeks ago. Yesterday, I worked out with my 10lb dumbbells, to get the upper-body thing going. Upper back, shoulders, biceps, and triceps. Today, I thought I should work on my lower body—butt and hamstrings, mainly—but my knees always give me shit when I do squats or stairs or things that require bending my knees while having extra weight put on them. (I guess they just had to deal with that extra fifty pounds for way too long.)

As Sheryl is the only Fitness Guru™ I know, I e-mailed her from work today to ask about ways to work my legs without fucking with my knees. We traded e-mails all afternoon, which were all particularly helpful, and ended up agreeing that I would meet her at her gym@work after I got home and after Aaron left for work, so she could show me proper technique. And that’s what I did. Got home, spent my daily half-hour with my husband, waved him goodbye, fed the cat, changed clothes, grabbed a hot dog so I wouldn’t kill anyone from hunger, collected the various travel accoutrements (cell phone, directions, wallet, keys, lomo), and I was off.

I gave Sheryl’s cell a buzz once I got into the parking lot, and she let me into her workplace and took me back to their workout room. Then, after some really, really pitiful attempts on my part to stretch my poor hamstrings, we got to work. Sheryl showed me several exercises to work my hamstrings and butt and calves and, well, pretty much all the major muscles I would think to work. Or close to it. I’m pretty well set now, as far as specific exercises go.

I also learned helpful things like:

  • When lifting weights to work your back or legs, keep your thumb on the same side of the bar as your fingers. Otherwise, you tend to use your arm strength to lift the weight.
  • Start your workout with the largest muscle group you plan to work, and adjust the weight accordingly as you go. If you work the smallest muscles first—say, your triceps—then move on to your chest, it’ll already be tired by the time you get there, since all the related muscle groups are interconnected.
  • When bending forward, lift your head up to keep your back straight.

After Sheryl was done showing me stuff, she still had a few sets to do herself. So, I took that opportunity to go ahead and do some of the exercises she’d shown me. (I was in a gym, after all, so why just sit around?) I ended up doing stiff-legged deadlifts, three sets of ten. My legs felt pretty good after that.

Well, by then it was nearly 7:00, so Sheryl gave me a Zone Perfect bar out of the kindness of her heart (for me to eat tomorrow afternoon at work), and we parted ways.

When I got home, I was psyched to keep working out while I made dinner. So, I put a frozen chicken breast in the microwave, put water on to boil, and did one set of lunges. Without any extra weights. And after that one set, my legs were *done*. I am such a lightweight. 🙂 I don’t think I overdid it, though, which is one thing I’m highly prone to do whenever I get all psyched for fitness.

In case you’re interested, dinner was one microwaved chicken breast, one serving of Dreamfields linguine, and a cayenne red pepper cream sauce (with a dash of paprika, curry, salt and pepper). Yes, it was spicy, and yes, it was good. It was also highly amusing to give the cat a hefty taste of the sauce on my fingertip and watch her lick her chops… and lick… and smack… and wonder why her mouth is on fire… and then want some more.

A Word to the Wise

Just because Dreamfields pasta is yummy and much less grainy than normal low-carb pasta, this does not give the watcher of carbohydrate intake the license to eat a plate and a half of Hamburger Stroganoff made with said pasta.

[cookiemonster] Ohhhhh… Diana eat too many noodles… [/cookiemonster]

A Visit To The Optometrist

I practically had to take out a loan to order my new glasses today.

Is six months at 0% financing on credit close enough?

I took the afternoon off of work today so I could go to my 2:30pm appointment at Lifetime Vision Care in Maumee (formerly the office of Eugene Levey Philip Levy, Aaron’s optometrist since 1980—now a partnership between Dr. Levey and Dr. Henry). The exam was no sweat; typical questions (any problems? headaches? changes in vision?), typical tests (which is clearer: 1 or 2? A or B?), and to my joy, I got to forego the jet-puff-in-the-eyeball glaucoma test in favor of the yellow eyedrops. Yay!

Now, the bad news. My headaches may be caused by eyestrain from working at the computer all day (ya think?). The solution? Two pairs of glasses: one for computer-work, one for everyday use.

Oh, my God… It’s like having reading glasses. I’m getting old.

But the humiliation of having two sets of eyeglasses isn’t the end of it. Don’t forget the price of said eyeglasses.

$693.71—and that’s after insurance and discounts.

After I’d picked my jaw up off the office floor, Dr. Henry’s wife gave me a credit application good for 0% interest and no fees, as long as I get my seven hundred bucks paid off within six months. That I can do, so I gratefully and willingly signed on the dotted line. I’ll soon be receiving a card that I can only use at Lifetime Vision Care, that’s mainly just a reminder that I still owe them a crapload of money.

Granted, I’m looking forward to being able to see properly again, and to not having headaches anymore… and I’m highly grateful to Dr. Henry for the 25% discount on the second pair (since Aetna only covers the exam, $15 toward lenses and $30 toward frames)… but still. My God.