Seven Years Ago I Was…

  • 23 years old, enrolled in Summer semester at BGSU, including my first photography class
  • Living in an efficiency apartment with a porch and accompanying porch swing
  • Hardcoding my websites and eschewing all WYSIWYG editors
  • Wishing I had my own webserver to play with, so I could learn more about PHP and dynamic websites, instead of hosting my shit on Geocities and Angelfire
  • Beginning my first (still unfinished) novel on a second-hand Classic Mac (SE 30, I believe)
  • Dating Aaron (my current husband) for three years running

Where were you seven years ago?

[inspired by Cameron Moll]

Cleaning Out Keepsakes

I’ve been going through some boxes of crap I’ve moved from dorm to apartment to house, trying to clear out the small bedroom in preparation for painting sometime soon. It’s slow going, as it always has been for me. I’m such a packrat.

However… digital photography has made it just a little easier for me to let a few things go. There were some items that I just liked having around for those times when I would go through the box of crap keepsakes and remember when. I photographed the small clock I got as a present from my high school band director, then threw the broken thing into the thrift pile. I almost did the same with my old marching shoes, until I tried them on and remembered how comfy Drillmasters are. *swoon*

Some things I photographed, but I have no intention of getting rid of. This is one of them:

This card breaks my heart every time I read it. In case you’re not adept at Granny handwriting analysis, the card says:

With lots of love
your Granny + Charles
Sure would like to
hear from you
when you have the time

We love you
Kiss Diana for me I love her

I was in 8th grade, living with Mom and her first husband, Tom. Granny lived with my Uncle Charlie in Florida, and I hadn’t seen her in a few years. (My family lived close to her from the time I was in 3rd grade through the end of 5th grade, and we’d visited once or twice since.)

I had better things to do than sit down and write a letter to my Granny. I was 13 years old, with a best friend and schoolwork and spelling bees.

I had no idea it would be the last Christmas card I’d ever get from Granny.

Granny died just after Thanksgiving of my Freshman year in high school. My choir had just gotten back from a performance at the Public Square lighting ceremony in Cleveland, and my family told me about Granny when they picked me up at the high school. I couldn’t say I truly missed her, or felt a giant loss at the time… but later, not writing Granny would become one of the biggest real regrets of my life.

I hope that Granny understood. She had to have realized that I was a budding teenager, and not into writing letters to my great-grandmother. She’d seen a lot in her life, and having a great-grandbaby who wouldn’t write was probably understandable, if disappointing.

Now that I’m old enough to appreciate what she might have had to say… I miss her.

For Diana’s Listening Pleasure

I found out pretty early on in our relationship that Aaron was a big music fan. We went to Ann Arbor for our third date, a triple-date with Mary/Drew and Heather/Garza. Aaron definitely tended to gravitate toward the record stores while we were there, and was bummed that he didn’t have more money to spend on records (especially since I was jobless and had made him pay for my lunch at Amer’s). So, naturally, I was curious about the music he was listening to, as I had never heard of ANY of it.

Before Spring Break, he made me a mixtape. The spine of the insert read: “For Diana’s Listening Pleasure: selections from Aaron’s CD collection.” On the tape were the following songs:

Side A:

  1. Wally Pleasant – Stupid Day Job
  2. Sugar – Your Favorite Thing
  3. Frank Black – Fazer Eyes
  4. Catherine Wheel – I Want To Touch You
  5. Pure – Lemonade
  6. Mighty Mighty Bosstones – Someday I Suppose
  7. Ash – Jack Names The Planets
  8. Jon Spencer Blues Explosion – Blue X Man
  9. Pixies – All Over The World
  10. Man or Astro-Man? – Sferic Waves
  11. Sebadoh – Magnet’s Coil

Side B:

  1. Dirty Three – Better Go Home Now
  2. Folk Implosion – Lo-Fi Suicide
  3. Pavement – Give It A Day
  4. Clutch – Big News I
  5. Henry Rollins – Breaking Up Is Hard To Do
  6. Rollins Band – Right Here Too Much
  7. The Amps – Tipp City
  8. Afghan Whigs – Debonair
  9. Sentridoh – Perfect Excuse
  10. 24 Gone – Girl Of Colours
  11. Sugar – Explode And Make Up

I listened to this tape nonstop during my week of Spring Break in Parma, so much so that my step-Gary would often get up without saying a word and just hit the stop button on my boom box, then quietly sit back down again.

Over the years, I continued to listen to this tape. This tape was so much a staple of my listening repertoire that I frantically performed cassette tape surgery with scotch tape when it got caught in my aging boom box. After that, I hesitated to play it very often, just in case the Afghan Whigs would get caught in the heads of my tape player again. I eventually stored the tape away with my other tapes, listening instead to the follow-up tapes of Rollins spoken word and Sugar and 24 Gone and Afghan Whigs and Catherine Wheel.

A few weeks ago, I unearthed the tape from a box in the bottom of a closet, and spent a couple of days hunting down digital versions of the mixtape songs. And now, I’m sharing all 100MB of 90’s goodness with you:

[ – 103MB]

I didn’t include the Rollins spoken word, but everything else is there, in the exact version I have on tape. (Note: Three files are in iTunes .m4a format; the rest are mp3s.)

I now have this set up as a playlist on my iPod. Funny how things change. Funny how all things old are new again.

You Asked For It…

…And here it is. A sampling of photos taken during the Spring of 1996, hosted on Flickr as a photoset. These photos feature myself, Mary, Liz, Heather, Garza, Drew, Steve, and Aaron. Last names have been omitted to protect the innocent and those currently in the teaching profession. πŸ™‚

Feel free to comment either here or on Flickr. Feel free to sign up for your own free Flickr account and upload your own photos of our craziness! The more, the merrier.

Update, 9:45pm: As for a Where Are They Now sort of thing, I just wanted to mention that Steve appears to be an instructor at Ohio Technical College (as revealed by a Google search). This was as of June 2005.

Update: 10:00pm: Further Googling reveals that Liz was a grad student in theater design at the University of Louisiana at Monroe in the Fall of 1999. I believe I already knew that at some point, though, as I once found her e-mail address and contacted her, only to be smacked down with a “I hate that all my old friends are happy” e-mail. I haven’t been able to find any more recent information about Liz.

Ten Years Ago Today

In the Spring of 1996, I had just returned to BGSU after a semester of Academic Suspension. I was assigned to live in Rodgers Hall, and my randomly selected roommate was Mary.

This is important. Follow this.

Mary was attending BGSU because she had followed her boyfriend, Andrew, up from the University of Dayton. Andrew was originally from Toledo and had returned there after he had β€” flunked out? Quit? My memory isn’t quite sure of which. At any rate, he came home and his girlfriend came along, to be near him. And I was rooming with her.

Mary had recently gone to a party where a couple of Andrew’s high school buddies were in attendance. Apparently, she had told one of the guys that he dressed like he was gay. This, of course, had pissed the guy off, and made him not want to be at any parties with his buddy’s girlfriend anymore.

When Mary found out about my parentage (can girls be bastards?), she remembered an amusing anecdote about the young man she’d offended, and how he had mentioned that he needed to find a girl without a father. She decided to hook us up, kind of as an apology for telling him he dressed gay. At Mary’s request, Andrew gave her Aaron’s e-mail address to give to me.

And the rest is history. ^_^

Ten years ago today, I wrote about this new boyfriend of mine, and what we did and how I felt. I was fairly graphic, as I didn’t want to forget any single moment, so there will be some judicious editing of explicit things that I (and Aaron, I’m sure) would not be comfortable sharing with the internet.

As a final aside before I get into the journal entry: at this point in my life, I still considered myself Mormon, but inactive. I was, in fact, a virgin, and I am not at ALL ashamed to admit that. Aaron, on the other hand, was totally wanting some nookie (by our third date), but got derailed when I told him that I was a Mormon and didn’t have sex. Yet.

So, with all the backstory out of the way, on with our story:
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