In the Spring of 1996, I had just returned to BGSU after a semester of Academic Suspension. I was assigned to live in Rodgers Hall, and my randomly selected roommate was Mary.
This is important. Follow this.
Mary was attending BGSU because she had followed her boyfriend, Andrew, up from the University of Dayton. Andrew was originally from Toledo and had returned there after he had β flunked out? Quit? My memory isn’t quite sure of which. At any rate, he came home and his girlfriend came along, to be near him. And I was rooming with her.
Mary had recently gone to a party where a couple of Andrew’s high school buddies were in attendance. Apparently, she had told one of the guys that he dressed like he was gay. This, of course, had pissed the guy off, and made him not want to be at any parties with his buddy’s girlfriend anymore.
When Mary found out about my parentage (can girls be bastards?), she remembered an amusing anecdote about the young man she’d offended, and how he had mentioned that he needed to find a girl without a father. She decided to hook us up, kind of as an apology for telling him he dressed gay. At Mary’s request, Andrew gave her Aaron’s e-mail address to give to me.
And the rest is history. ^_^
Ten years ago today, I wrote about this new boyfriend of mine, and what we did and how I felt. I was fairly graphic, as I didn’t want to forget any single moment, so there will be some judicious editing of explicit things that I (and Aaron, I’m sure) would not be comfortable sharing with the internet.
As a final aside before I get into the journal entry: at this point in my life, I still considered myself Mormon, but inactive. I was, in fact, a virgin, and I am not at ALL ashamed to admit that. Aaron, on the other hand, was totally wanting some nookie (by our third date), but got derailed when I told him that I was a Mormon and didn’t have sex. Yet.
So, with all the backstory out of the way, on with our story:
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