Dear Connor,
Every month seems like such a sea change. Every month, I write about how much you’ve learned and how much you’ve grown, and every month you change more than the last.
Big things are happening in your life. You’ve been going to daycare (aka “school”) twice a week for about a month now, and you love it! In fact, you get very upset on the mornings when you realize that Mommy’s taking you back upstairs and not bye-bye. You actually nap at daycare now — probably in part because you no longer have an ear infection from the bug you picked up on your very first day. You’re acclimating well, and learning new things, like “shh” and “nuh-uh” and sitting down quietly to watch TV. We can tell you’re trying to say other new words that you’ve learned, too, but Mommy and Daddy can’t understand what you mean yet.

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