Dear Connor: Month 21

Dear Connor,

You’re finally to that age where, when someone asks, “How old is he?” the answer is usually, “Almost two,” or, “He’ll be two in September.” Really, “one-and-three-quarters” doesn’t really roll off the tongue, and neither does “twenty-one months” — but that’s how old you are. Not quite two years old yet, no matter how tall or talkative you are.

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Dear Connor: Month 20

Dear Connor,

Mommy’s a little late with this month’s update, and there’s no good reason apart from just being busy. And tired. During the weekend, Mommy’s been napping when you nap; during the week, Mommy will put you to bed and then play on her phone for an hour before she realizes what she’s doing, then will realize that she’s super tired and just go to bed. Mommy’s trying to be better about getting things done, and better about being good to herself and getting enough rest. There’s a balance there.

But enough about Mommy. Let’s talk about you!

Running in the Back Yard

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Dear Connor: Month 19

Dear Connor,

This month, you’ve turned from our mildly inquisitive, always-happy little dude into a full-on toddler, complete with flailing tantrums and crocodile tears. Part of this could be because we moved to a new house, and part could be because you’ve been sick with a cough and runny nose for literally months now — not to mention that you’re about that age, anyway.

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Dear Connor: Month 18

Dear Connor,

Every month seems like such a sea change. Every month, I write about how much you’ve learned and how much you’ve grown, and every month you change more than the last.

Big things are happening in your life. You’ve been going to daycare (aka “school”) twice a week for about a month now, and you love it! In fact, you get very upset on the mornings when you realize that Mommy’s taking you back upstairs and not bye-bye. You actually nap at daycare now — probably in part because you no longer have an ear infection from the bug you picked up on your very first day. You’re acclimating well, and learning new things, like “shh” and “nuh-uh” and sitting down quietly to watch TV. We can tell you’re trying to say other new words that you’ve learned, too, but Mommy and Daddy can’t understand what you mean yet.

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Dear Connor: Month 17

You are so not a little baby anymore.

Pajama Grin

Mommy’s been keeping track of the words you say, and you’re up to a few dozen. Your vocabulary has just exploded in the past month, and you’ve been learning literally a new word every day for the past week or so. You say words that we didn’t even know you knew — we didn’t teach them to you on purpose. But some we did, and it’s rewarding to hear you repeat them. (Just make sure not to repeat the words we don’t want you to know…!)

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