Category Archives: photos
Seeing the world through my viewfinder.
Portrait of Mei
This old lady. She and Connor are almost besties now, although she still won’t climb up and sleep with him in his bed like she will with me. She was pretty displeased when we first brought Connor home. so seeing them play together now makes me smile.
(She also didn’t much care for moving to this house almost five years ago — in fact, she hid behind the toilet on moving day and wouldn’t come out until we were upstairs in bed that night.)
Mei will be 14 years old this Spring. Sometimes she moves a little slower down the stairs than she used to, and sometimes I take note of her now-bony haunches. Other times, though, she tears ass through the house like she’s always done.
I suspect we still have many good years left with Mei Kitty, but I tend not to take the cuddles and the playtime for granted anymore.
Christmas 2017
To start off, here’s a link to a Flickr album of our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day festivities (since the embedded slideshow feature seems to be broken). For more details of the festivities, read on…