HD DVD is dead. Long live Blu-Ray!
I may have to try this sometime. Ginger beer is pretty awesome, so I can only imagine that homemade ginger beer would be even better.
Cameron Moll reviews his experiences with using the One Laptop Per Child technology.
Hmm. Maybe we should book our flight for this year’s vacation sooner rather than later…
I’m not sure how I feel about this…
Category Archives: snippets
links for 2008-02-15
If I could play Sonic and Tetris and other games on my iPhone (or iPod Touch?), that would be just one more reason for me to sink a few hundred bucks into a cool new iPod…
links for 2008-02-12
This study apparently target saccharin; I would be interested in seeing results from a similar study focusing on sucralose.
‘”You forgo your right to privacy when you are seeking admission into the country,” [Homeland Security] says. “This is the kind of scrutiny the American public expects.”‘
links for 2008-02-06
Now we’re talking. Once I’m in the market for a new iPod, the iPod Touch will have even more memory and be in my price range.
A catalog of Americans’ physical traits is in the works. I can’t get behind that, no matter what they spout off about terrorism.
The gamer geek in me is all a-squee. The band nerd in me thinks they need to work on their tone, their marching skillz… and are we watching the *backfield* cam?!
links for 2008-02-04
From the tone of this article, there’s no doubt in my mind that the author is a believer in God. “What’s really behind the current atheist phenomenon”? How about a rising up of free thinkers who are tired of being persecuted?