I am all about a game with a cat whose “special move is to walk out and lick his cathole, causing one point of damage to all enemies.”
Category Archives: snippets
links for 2008-01-19
This gives me hope, somehow. Oh, and CNN? They appear to be braids, not dreads. kthx.
“Some college students in Utah County are calling some music videos pornographic, and they are trying to get a health club to take them off its screen.” Thanks to Dooce for pointing this one out.
links for 2008-01-18
“Christianity is a strong religion, based on faith and experience, and I don’t think that any discovery by archeologists will change that.” You just said a cotton-pickin’ mouthful.
links for 2008-01-15
He’s only four years younger than I am, and I learned about Python back in high school. WTF, mate?
I might easily be coerced into buying a 50th Anniversary remastered release of the 1980s Smurf cartoons. Seeing a computer-animated 3D movie? Not so much.
My Aikido sensei told me about this book on Saturday, and I was pleased to find that the Hip Chick herself has a website and blog. Looks like interesting stuff — I’ll be checking this out in detail.
links for 2008-01-12
Thanks to the former Cleveland mayor for kicking off the recount BS early this election. Leave it to Ohio, I guess…