‘Harris says there is no critique of faith hidden somewhere in his brief paper. But his next neurological enterprise may be another matter. He is planning an fMRI run that will concentrate specifically on religious faith, which Harris thinks he now knows how to plumb more deeply. He also plans to set up two different subject groups — the faithful and non-believers. “That way,” among other things, he says, “you can ask, ‘Do believers believe that Jesus was born of a virgin the same way that nonbelievers believe that Chevrolet makes cars and trucks?'”‘
“Starting in 2009, drivers over age 75 in Japan will be required to get checkups for dementia when they renew their licenses.” Sounds like a policy we should adopt here in the States.
Category Archives: snippets
links for 2007-12-15
“There are now more payday lending shops in the state than McDonalds, Burger Kings and Wendy’s restaurants combined.” I believe it.
I saw the photo earlier via I Can Has Cheezburger, but didn’t realize that THE CAT WAS REALLY GLOWING.
The Ultimate Hippie Vacation
Just in case you haven’t seen this…
A woman is selling The Ultimate Hippie Vacation with her crazy brother-in-law on eBay.
Scroll ALL THE WAY DOWN to see the pics and read the funny shit. Totally hilarious.
Everything Old Is New Again
Screw those mini-CDs I bought. This is the way I should distribute portfolio CDs and DVDs:
MAKE: Blog: CD covers from old floppy discs…
That is so cool.
A Fun Flash Distraction
Be forewarned: this game is highly addictive. I suck at it, and have only gotten to Level 2, but it’s still fun.
(It nearly jump-started me out of this bizarre funky depresso lonely mood I’m in today… but not quite.)
[courtesy of fibiger.org]