A couple of months back, Connor told me about an AI art website he found that renders photos in an anime style. I’d never actually tried out any of the AI content generation tools that are out there, so when he asked if we could try it out, I was game.
I took a photo of Connor and uploaded it, then tagged it with Connor’s suggested prompts of boy, strong, and muscles.
After a few minutes, we got some results.
Despite Connor wearing a shirt in his source photo, all of the AI results were shirtless. They also all wore sneakers and had the wrong number of fingers. It was cool to see how the AI interpreted the environment and changed it to vibe with the anime style: the duffel bag hanging on the closet doorknob became a box or basket sitting on a pile of something, and the carpet and closet doors became wood planks.
It was a fun experiment, but I don’t see myself having a need to delve deeper into AI art anytime soon.