
[Posted on Flickr by dianaschnuth].

It’s been a while since I posted a cute Mei photo… so here you go.

I do have a question for anyone who uses Flickr and blogs their photos: What are your feelings on blogging your photos directly from Flickr versus uploading separate versions to your own webspace?

I’m hesitant to use Flickr as my main photo repository, just because I’ve had bad experiences with storing my files online and having them go poof (ahem, Angelfire). Although it’s not like I won’t keep copies of my own… but it’s easier to archive a website when the photos live the same place as everything else.

Plus, Flickr doesn’t offer thumbnails in the size I prefer, and they don’t support categories. I’d have to edit my entries, anyway, by uploading my own thumbnail to my server and adding a category. I’m thinking it’s more trouble than it’s worth… but I also don’t know why the heck I have a Flickr photostream if not to share and blog my photos.


Inflatable Snowman

[also available on flickr]

I was coming home from my 45 minutes of photographing Christmas lights in the ‘hood, and I had just about given up. An occupant of the first house I had photographed had come to the door, ostensibly wondering what a honkey with a camera and a tripod was doing in the dark in front of their house. That kicked up my normal photography paranoia an extra notch, and really threw me off for the rest of my shoot.

Anyway, as I said, I was coming home after not having gotten very many good shots. I almost turned the camera off, but decided that I would leave it on until I got back to my house (another block away). Almost as soon as I said that to myself, I saw this wonderful inflatable snowman and his tree-friend.

This turned out to be the best shot of the evening.

Portraits of Christmas Past

Since Aaron and I moved in together and bought ourselves our very own plastic prelit Christmas tree, I decided to initiate a new tradition: Christmas family portraits. This year, with the arrival of the new Nikon D50 digital SLR (read: fancy camera), I decided it might be fun to look at the photos of our Christmases so far.

It’s interesting to see how we’ve changed, and how my craft has improved over the years.

I do have to mention, though, that one thing remains constant. After witnessing my mother trying to pose the two of us for portraits way back in ’97, I know that the basis of getting a good portrait with Aaron is making sure he is comfortable. Mom can pose portraits well β€” she worked for Olan Mills for 10 years or so, and continues to work in a portrait studio β€” but Aaron’s back doesn’t deal well with the kinds of sitting and twisting she requests sometimes. Make sure Aaron’s comfy, then fit me and the cat in the picture, and everything’s on it’s way to being good. πŸ™‚