Having some fun while testing out posing and lighting for the annual Christmas portrait.
Tag Archives: Nikon D90
12MP digital camera (DSLR) with interchangeable lenses.
Mugging for the Camera
I set up my dedicated strobe in preparation for the upcoming family photo, just to make sure I remembered how to work all the settings — how to sync the flash and the camera, where to position the flash, that sort of thing — and Connor immediately jumped off the recliner and in front of the camera lens.
We’ve had “camera time” every evening for three days straight, at his request. I’m guessing he’s not going to have any problems with pictures this year.
New Glasses
[Taken 3 November 2014]
Seems I go four to six years between new prescriptions. This time, I was getting headaches (and was getting tired of my poorly-fitted glasses sliding down my face), so I decided to get a new prescription to rule out eyestrain as a cause of my headaches. Wasn’t the glasses — like four years ago, my prescription barely changed — although the headaches could still be caused by either my neck injury or my orthodontics.
The interior of my new glasses are a turquoise color that really brightens my blue-hazel eyes. I also like the different shape; it opens my eyes and suits my facial structure better than the rectangular frames.
I think so, anyway. So far, I really like them.