In case anyone’s interested… here’s the latest on the wedding front.
Got the Marriage License today. Basically, it took a half hour of our time plus 40 bucks for us to guarantee that (a) we are not related β that is, second cousins or closer, (b) we were not intoxicated while applying for a marriage license, and (c) neither of us have syphilis.
Seriously. We had to swear that we didn’t have syphilis. How long has that law been on the books?
Anyway, we’ve touched base with pretty much everyone, including the photographer, officiant, bakery, our families, and our wedding party (well, pretty much… I still haven’t gotten hold of Mel yet, but she’s supposed to call tonight). Still on the to-do list:
- Cut fabric and tie ribbons for centerpieces
- Get programs printed at Kinko’s
- Get French manicure on Thursday
…or is that a freedom manicure? π - Buy crepe paper/tulle and balloons for decorations
- Make giant "Cook-Schnuth Wedding" roadside signage
- Pick up wedding dress on Friday with Amy
- Buy flowers for centerpieces on Friday
- Finish matting engagement photo / guestbook
- Call in final guest count to Catering
I’m sure there’s probably something else that I’m forgetting, too. Ehh.
If you’re not in the wedding party, and you’re coming in to town on Friday night, you’re welcome to hang out with us after the rehearsal. We think we’re going to Junction for dinner (we’re all going Dutch), but we’re not positive about that yet. I’ll try to leave my cell on as much as possible on Friday, not including the time we’re rehearsing (5:30pm – 6:00 or 6:30), so if you want the number, e-mail me.
Just out of curiosity, I looked at the guest list and broke it down by age group, so all you folks attending will have an idea of the cross-section of society that will be at our reception. The Young Adults (ages 16-ish thru 30) have the highest attendance, at about 55 or so. After them, we have about 15 Adults (our parents’ ages), a dozen Kids (under 14 or so), and four Grandparents.
The honeymoon is going to be in Cummington, Massachusetts, so I won’t have internet access for that entire week, just so you won’t yell about a lack of post-wedding updates. We’re heading out early Monday morning (after one day of wedding decompression) to arrive there Monday night β it’s a 10 to 12 hour drive. On the agenda is (1) eating lobster, (2) whale-watching, (3) seeing Boston, (4) buying maple syrup, and (5) visiting Mt. Greylock.
Why Cummington? Because Aaron’s grandmother owns a house there, and rents apartments out of it. We’ll be staying in the apartment she reserves for herself when she goes up to visit her tenants for three weeks out of the year.
Feel free to e-mail or call me to chat about the wedding… This wedding thing is making me necessarily more social than usual. π See you on Friday, if not before!