…All’s Right With The World

Amy’s asleep in the living room, Aaron’s asleep in the bedroom, and I’m wide awake and hanging out in front of my computer in the basement.

Yesterday was fun: Amy arrived around 3:00pm, we hung out for a while and talked and gave her the Grand Tour of our new house, and then we opened presents. Aaron’s birthday present (from November), Christmas presents for all, and Amy’s birthday presents (from January, which ended up in amongst the Christmas presents). Then Amy and I went to BG to walk around and shop—we hit Finders, and R&B, spent lots of quality time in Grounds for Thought, ducked into Ben Franklin, browsed around 2 Play, wandered around Hatter, then realized that we needed to get home for dinner. We got some chicken and beverages at Kroger and headed back to Toledo. By the time we got home, it was 8:30pm and Aaron was starving. We barbecued the chicken on the grill and had dinner, then I opened my birthday presents (April 22nd, in case you were wondering). We all talked for a while, and finally went to bed around 2:00am, I think.

Overall, it’s been a fun visit so far. Today we’re going to go out to lunch, make Amy eat some Cinnamon & Butter Flavored Pork Rinds, and go see a matinee of Kill Bill Volume 2 at 3:15pm. Then she’s going to take off shortly after the movie, and Aaron and I will continue with our normal Sunday of food shopping and doing laundry. 🙂

Good times… I miss having Amy around. A lot.