OMG, I am in such a shitty mood this morning. I only got six hours of sleep last night, thanks to staying up waaaay too late to work on my Totoro hat. My alarm woke me out of a *very* sound sleep this morning, which never does good things for my mood, anyway. I hit snooze, and I swear it went off two minutes later instead of nine. 😛 Then, Mei decided it was time to bang the kitchen cupboards for a while, at which point I got up, threatened the cat with a swift kick in her general direction, and did my morning thing.
Managed to leave the house early, per last night?s suggestion from Stan Stachak, and got to work at five till eight, which was good (compared with my usual 8:03am). The snow wasn?t all that bad this morning—only a dusting, instead of the 1-3″ we were supposed to get overnight. It?s really coming down now, though, and that three inches is supposed to accumulate by the time I leave work today. (Also not improving my mood.) Oh, and I managed to leave my gloves and scarf at home, which added to my joy as I walked in to work from the back parking lot, and even as I contemplate going back out to the car this evening after work.
Add on top of that a couple stupid misunderstandings at work (in which I was right, of course, and was actually acknowledged as such in the end), and I?m just uber-grouchy and tired and grrr. I?m not necessarily having a shitty day; I?m just in a shitty mood. And, no, I don?t think caffeine or sugar would help, so I?m not even tempted to go get a Frappuccino for my bunghole.
(BTW, Sheryl—I ended up putting in the Star Trek IV DVD while I fabricated my second Totoro hat last night, complete with subtitled text commentary. w00t!)
omg, subtitled text commentary? *needs dvds*
and for the record? frappucino does not go in one’s bunghole.
i am cornholio. are you threatening me?
NO! i wont settle down! not this time!