I have decided to try some home recording.
To that end, I purchased the Behringer Eurorack UB802 Mixer. It’s certainly no comparison to the Mackie mixer I got to use back in my Recording Technology days, but the price was right, and it’s good enough for home recording. After all, I haven’t done this in a while…
If what I turn out from this little experiment doesn’t suck (very much), you can expect to get a sampling when it’s ready for prime-time. If it does suck, you can expect me never to mention this venture ever again.
Update: A couple hours of experimentation yielded a one-verse cover that doesn’t entirely suck. However, I have remembered something. Something very vital to the success of my little experiment.
I can’t *stand* the sound of my own voice. OMFG.
It’s just one verse of a Depeche Mode song, me plunking away on my Casio and singing my little pea-pickin’ heart out, but if you really want to hear it, e-mail me and I’ll send you a URL where you can download it.
Please be gentle.
May 2, 2005
BG Cla-Zel Theater To Close
(Bowling Green, OH) — After almost 80 years of operation, Bowling Green’s Cla-Zel theater is closing its doors for good this Saturday.
The theater tells NBC24 they’ve been losing at least $30,000 each year recently, due to competition from larger theater chains offering surround sound and stadium seating.
Plans are already in the works with the city to use the facility as a newer performing arts venue. However, the theater’s director tells us he’s still holding out hope someone will come forward with enough money to keep the movies coming.
i actually did end up finding that story on the toledo blade’s website.
i wouldn’t be surprised if someone comes through with the cash, though. although i guess the city really does need a plain old auditorium, and the cla-zel might suffice.
still, it sucks to see it go. lots of memories there, of rocky horror and supersize me and bowling for columbine and stuff. *sigh*
aaaaaaah!! no!! Supersize, Columbine, F9/11, Oh Brother Where Art Thou?, a few other films and of course Rocky. I’ll miss it.