
Isn’t that the nicest little chart you ever did see? It’s my average weekly weight, as calculated by my DietOrganizer program. I only just discovered that particular chart today, and boy, does it make me feel good about myself. 🙂

I’ve also been using the “Google 15” widget for my personalized Google homepage, which does a very similar thing by charting both your daily weight and your running average.

(I really only use the personalized Google homepage so I can see the headers of my Gmail at work, since accessing webmail is not only near-impossible with the web-browsing countermeasures they’ve installed, but is also an offense punishable by termination.)

At any rate, it does my heart good to see those numbers going in the right direction. It makes for less drama when I get on the scale every morning (o noes! i gained a pound overnight!).

In other news, my gut seems to be deflating. My upper abs not so much, but my lower ab fat is definitely shrinking like an old balloon. Maybe this Saturday’s bimonthly weight-loss photos will make me a happy camper.

P.S. – It’s interesting to me how difficult it is to share someone else’s weight-loss joy when you’re kind of in a rut yourself. For me, anyway. When James at work is all excited about losing weight, but I’m holding steady, it’s hard for me to give an enthusiastic attaboy. Likewise, when I showed him this chart today, he seemed happy for me, but seemed to remain bummed that he’d gained over the Black Swamp Arts Festival weekend, what with the fair food and friends in town and all. I can also tell it’s kind of awkward for Aaron to be excited for me when he’s not losing as fast as he’d like.

It’s kind of the negative side of having diet buddies, I guess. When neither side is very competitive about weight-loss, all bets are off.

P.P.S. – I took my bodyfat percentage and did some calculations yesterday, and figured that my current lean body weight is probably around 135 lbs. Interesting factoid. Assuming my muscle mass remains a constant, that means I need to lose about 6% bodyfat to reach my initial I’ll-be-content-here-for-a-while first goal of 190 lbs.

Getting down to my ultimate-ever goal of 160 would require me to be… *does calculations* …15.6% bodyfat. Hmm. Unlikely, but not impossible. Honestly, I can’t even imagine what I’d look like in that body.

One thought on “Averages

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  1. Getting down to my ultimate-ever goal of 160 would require me to be… *does calculations* …15.6% bodyfat. Hmm. Unlikely, but not impossible. Honestly, I can’t even imagine what I’d look like in that body

    I used to weigh 205 and now I’m at 160 (although you are taller than me). Take a look at my comparison photos here.

    The point of it is, I weighed 170-180 in high school, so when I figured out how much I should weigh as an adult I was surprised and couldn’t picture how I could possibly look by the time I reached my goal. After all, I hadn’t weighed so little since 6th grade!

    The answer is that your eyes will look bigger in your face, and your stomach will be very flat, and you can sit in very small chairs that you couldn’t fit in before.