Work today was interesting. The entire department seemed shell-shocked at the news that our jobs will likely be eliminated by the 3rd quarter of 2007. Still, there was work to be done, and we did it… for the most part.
We all soaked up every bit of information we could get about the merger, which wasn’t much beyond the press releases. This afternoon’s conference call promised “substantial severance packages” as compensation for those of us whose jobs will be absorbed into Huntington. We’re all guessing that it should be two weeks’ pay for every year of employment, but no one official has told us for sure. I’m curious as to what the severance will be, and when we’ll be eligible to receive it. Timing is everything, especially when a new job is in the mix.
For now, though, I’m not going to sit back and wait. I’m in the process of revitalizing my portfolio site, in preparation for a massive jobhunt. I plan to crank out one comp per night, for as long as I can come up with fresh ideas. I want to have my new site up and running by the last week of February, at the latest — new stylesheets, fresh design (with similar colors and branding as before), and content served via MySQL and PHP instead of static HTML. May as well flaunt my skillz, after all.
Aaron reminds me that, although it may not be at the top of my list, I have gained some experience in the world of loan operations. If it comes down to it, there may be other financial operations centers in the area that could use someone with knowledge of calculating interest and modifying loan terms. If it means a stable paycheck and staying out of customer service, I’m all for it. After exhausting my initial employment ideas, of course.
Thread is still hiring Interactive Designers. I don’t have high hopes, but I’ll submit my resume once I have it properly honed.
[edit: Hart Associates is hiring Web Designers, too — the only thing I lack is “a full understanding of the .NET / Windows Server environment.” Maybe I can fake that with a little online research.]
What really ***blows*** about the whole thing besides the fact that your job is toast is that you and your co-worker there did all that work for pretty much nothing…URK! However, Aaron is right. even though loan operations isn’t your “chosen” field, there is always a need for someone with that knowledge out there. NOIC?