In less than seven days, either myself or my co-worker James will be the winner of a $10 wager.
About three weeks ago, we agreed that we would compete for SparkPoints at, and whoever had the most points accumulated in the month of March would win $10. Right now, it’s still anybody’s game. I’m sure we’re both going to pull out all the stops this week, though.
The one major point-gaining strategy I’ve been slacking on is cardio. I can claim 1 SparkPoint for every five minutes of cardio, up to a max of 24 points (that’s two hours) per day. Usually, I only end up doing my 30-minute walk over lunch, and maybe some yoga in the evenings. (I’m not sure yoga should count as cardio, but that’s how they have it categorized, so OK…) This week, head cold permitting, I’m going to ramp up my cardio. I’ll do 45 minutes to an hour walk at lunch (which means I’ll have to get there and clock in on time in the morning), and I’ll do yoga and rebounding (trampolining) nightly. Hell, if I feel up to it, I’ll probably go jogging at Wildwood tomorrow or Tuesday, since the weather’s supposed to be so warm. That much activity in one week should not only kick up my SparkPoints, but also break me out of this goddamned plateau.
I thought before that maybe if I increased my fiber and protein, that would help. It doesn’t seem to be. So, this week, I’m also — no, wait. This week I’m already increasing my activity. I shouldn’t decrease my carb intake at the same time. I’ll hold off on that, and see if doing more cardio does the trick. If it doesn’t, *then* I’ll look at my carbs.
All righty. Wish me luck, both in my competition against James and in my battle against the neverending scale reading of 201.5 pounds.