Back in 2001, Aaron made this compilation of Christmas music that he’d downloaded over his dial-up internet. See, he hated Christmas music, for the most part, but knew that there were some cool Christmas songs out there.
He burned copies for a few of his friends, who played it for their friends, and everyone loved it. And now, seven years later, you, too, can share in the joy that is…
Christmas Music That Doesn’t Suck!
(download .zip, 61.6 MB)
- The Ramones – Merry Christmas (I Don’t Wanna Fight)
- The Ventures – Jingle Bells
- Stiff Little Fingers – White Christmas
- El Vez – Feliz Navi-Nada
- Cheech and Chong – Santa Claus and His Old Lady
- Bruce Springsteen – Santa Claus is Coming to Town
- Disco Noel – Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
- Adam Sandler – The Hannukah Song
- John Lennon – So This Is Christmas (War Is Over)
- Bing Crosby and David Bowie – Little Drummer Boy
- They Might Be Giants – Santa’s Beard
- The White Stripes – Candy Cane Children
- Bob and Doug McKenzie – The 12 Days of Christmas
- Weird Al Yankovic – Christmas at Ground Zero
- The Arrogant Worms – Christmas Sucks
- Henry Rollins – ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas
- Pansy Division – Homo Christmas
Please note that Track 17 is NSFW, and was purposely put at the end of the CD to facilitate easy removal/omission of the one potentially offensive song — say, if you were going to make a copy for a co-worker or your uncle or something.
Share, enjoy, but don’t let The Man catch you sharing the joy. Happy Holidays!
if you burt me a copy I would listen (*_*)
Yep, I’d remove that last track. Not safe for anywhere but your car or mp3 player.
What’s wrong with sticking candy canes up your butt? Homo Christmas rocks! Coming in Volume 2, Fuckin’ Up My Christmas & Evergreen by MC Chris.