I’ve been getting some amusing Engrish-y comment spam from various permutations of a JoanSmith0999:
This is a inordinate blog and I like reading it every morning reproach you beautifying sharing it!
I certainly enjoyed reading your blog and alliance in back of surreptitiously it both edifying and interesting. I purposefulness be fated to bookmark it and bull-whip it as overweight as I can.
I enjoyed the article and thanks in greetings to posting such valuable tidings as an alternate of all of us to imply to, I become of fall upon it both of publish and educative and I directors to forgive it as again as I can.
I enjoyed the article and thanks because of posting such valuable info seeking all of us to skim, I start it both useful and revealing and I meals to appraise it as again as I can.
Hey, I guess if I’m going to get comment spam, it might as well be amusing, right?
This reminds me of the Rollins bit with the guy from Croatia or somewhere like that, “…a startling missive”. These are rather amusing.