Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day: March 2015

I’m a day early, for once, instead of posting my monthly Bloom Day post at the very end of the day on the 15th of the month. To be early is to be on time, as my high school band director used to say.

But anyway.

Technically, the only thing in bloom right now in my Zone 6a/6b domicile is one confused Thanksgiving cactus.

Confused Thanksgiving Cactus

However, that’s not going to stop me from documenting all the greenery that’s popping up now that the snow has melted!

Pink Hyacinth

The red golf tee means this is a pink hyacinth that’s coming up in my early spring border.

I marked all my bulbs last April with the intention of moving the bulbs into a more aesthetically pleasing and less haphazard design. Alas, they’re mostly still where the previous homeowner planted them (with very few exceptions).

Hyacinth and Daffodils

The bulb in front is another pink hyacinth. In the back is a clump of unmarked daffodils that must have faded before I got the chance to mark them last spring.


I swear, I do not remember this as a clump last year. I remember this as a single lonely daffodil.

Allium Bulb

A few allium bulbs have tried to heave up, along with dozens of muscari, but they’ll all be fine.

In my tour of the property with my camera this afternoon, it looks like the early risers are the alliums, muscari (grape hyacinths), pink hyacinths, daffodils, and one variegated variety of hosta. Not all the daffodils are popping up, but many are — I have several different varieties of those, too, though, so each might be a smidge different.

So far, I was unable to find any evidence of the single crocus I saw last April by my front door. It’s still early, though. I’m just thinking that maybe I’ll plant some snowdrops and early-blooming crocuses this Fall, so next year at this time, I’ll have a pleasant surprise when the snow melts back and I see actual flowers.

Many thanks to May Dreams Gardens for hosting and inspiring this monthly celebration of flowers!

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