POND’S Rejuveness Two-Week Anti-Wrinkle Challenge

Like that fifth-grade science project with the flawed assumption in the hypothesis, I discovered in the end that what this product is meant to correct — fine lines and wrinkles — is not one of my main beauty and aging concerns.

But that’s jumping to the end before I even review the product. Let’s start at the beginning.

Pond's VoxBox

When I first opened my complimentary POND’S VoxBox, I was impressed with the amount of product i received for free. From what I can tell, this was about $20 worth of product between the two jars.

Upon reading the instructions on each jar, I realized an important thing about my daily facial care routine: I don’t have one. See, the instructions say to apply the cream twice daily after cleansing. Trouble was, I wasn’t in the habit of cleansing my face twice daily. So, as a control, I decided to take a “before” picture, then cleanse and moisturize twice daily for a week and document the results. Just for kicks, since how-old.net had just become a thing as I was starting the challenge, I decided to let it decide the results.


Helpful hint: I’m actually 39. Also, the How-Old robot has trouble distinguishing my age and gender when I’m wearing my glasses, so I took them off.

Since the Anti-Wrinkle Challenge was a main part of the Influenster campaign, I made the decision to start with the Rejuveness Anti-Wrinkle cream, since I couldn’t figure out how one would apply both the anti-wrinkle cream and the spot remover cream at the same time.

first impression: this seal is hard to open!
second impression: this stuff is thick!

It was actually a little heavy of a cream for my liking. I had no idea how much to use, and the packaging gave me no hints. Lightly, moderately, liberally? No clue. I always ended up putting on too much, even by the end of the two weeks. I never did get the hang of how much to gloop out.

I didn’t think I really saw any results — but, then, I realized that I didn’t know where to look! I hadn’t seen any fine lines or wrinkles outside of the ones under my eyes, on my lower eyelids, that this cream can’t really reach.

So, I let the How-Old robot decide.


Despite looking tired as hell (that’s what I get for taking my photos on Friday nights before bed), the robot thinks that Rejuveness took two years off of my appearance.

I don’t really see it.

But, here’s an interesting postscript.

After I completed two weeks with Revuveness, I did another trial for two weeks with Clarant B3, the product to correct dark spots. According to the How Old Robot, Clarant B3 took another year off of my appearance.


I suppose my freckles and minor spots did lighten a bit, although it’s hard to tell from the weird white-balance of the after photo. However, despite the packaging’s claim that Clarant B3 won’t clog pores, I got half a dozen tiny pimples during the two-week test. That’s half a dozen more than I usually get. Plus, halfway through the Clarant B3 test, I noticed that my dimples were still visible when I wasn’t smiling — as a fine but noticeable wrinkle.

Did my skin adapt to the Rejuveness and stop doing whatever it had done before, so that I actually developed wrinkles after discontinuing use? Or did I just not notice the wrinkles before? Or did the Clarant B3 counteract the Rejuveness somehow? I’m sure I’ll never know.

Would I purchase these products on my own? Probably not. But I’ll use the free lotions until they’re gone — most likely applying one in the morning and the other at night.

Still, though, I saw the biggest improvement just from adding a twice-daily cleansing and moisturizing to my routine. Intriguing.

One thought on “POND’S Rejuveness Two-Week Anti-Wrinkle Challenge

  1. I found both in the $1 ben at Walmart,( sample size) the wrinkle cream didn’t seem to do anything but I think my dark spots are lessening, not going away.

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