How Does Your Garden Grow? Part 2: My Cottage Garden

I’m seriously stoked about planning out my cottage garden in what used to be “the jungle” in front of the garage, so much so that I spontaneously got out my iPhone 6 and made a short video about it.

I’ve come a long way, garden-wise, since my last gardening video blog post (I refuse to use the term “vlog”) two years ago. Everything is under control, nothing looks too neglected, and I feel like I’m in a good place to add some low-maintenance plants to the mix.

On the technical side: I do need to remember that the road noise sounds worse on video than it does in my head, though, and speak up when I’m recording.

Also, iMovie on iOS is a much better video editing app than I would have expected. The last time I used iMovie was when it first came out, back when I was in college, and using it as compared to the advanced Media 100 software I was used to seemed hamfisted and clunky and inflexible. iMovie for iOS feels like an easy-to-use app that has all the features one would need to edit together some basic shots. I approve.

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