I’m a little behind on my Bloom Day post this month, so without further ado, here’s what was in bloom as of four days ago:
From the number of blooms on this rose, you’d never know I moved it this spring.
Dortmund climbing rose is as vigorous as ever.
David Austin Heritage English Rose
There are various daylilies scattered all over my property, thanks to the nice Jewish grandmother who previously lived here and plopped plants in random spots.
If I like a weed, and it looks nice where it is, then I just consider it a volunteer.
Same with these. Weeds? Yes. But they like it there, and they sure look nice. (For now.)
Glad I didn’t yank this volunteer Honesty plant.
My Maypop Passion Flower vines are a case of If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Join ‘Em. I just try to keep them in check as best I can.
Daylilies, yarrow, and hydrangea. The lilies may move elsewhere in the future, as they don’t really jive with my pink/lavender/blue color scheme.
As always, thanks to Carol of May Dreams Gardens for hosting Bloom Day on the 15th of each month!