File under Better Late Than Never… My evenings have been kind of whack lately, and I haven’t had the mental oomph to sit down and write, so yesterday I finally took some time over my lunch hour to start a blog entry, with the intention of posting yesterday evening.
Like I said, better late than never.
November’s been kind of up-and-down after October’s kickass turnaround. There were awesome weeks, and there were awful weeks. Overall, though, November’s daily weight graph looks like I screwed up, then got myself back on track… and didn’t do any damage with Thanksgiving Weekend, which is a huge deal.
I see the best results on the scale when I stick to the meal plan I set out for myself at the beginning of the week. The weeks where I see the most red marks on my meal planner are the weeks where my weight does erratic things that I don’t want.
Non-Scale Victories:
Tuesday the 7th:
Drank an afternoon coffee to keep myself from buying cake at the cafe downstairs.
Had my son photograph me in my swimsuit — and I actually liked how I looked. (I didn’t expect that.)
Thursday the 9th:
Passed on the Halloween candy left in the pantry at work.
Went on a run even though I didn’t want to (same on Monday the 6th).
Wednesday the 15th:
Pre-tracked my entire day and even fit in macaroni & cheese for lunch and a pumpkin muffin snack.
Thursday the 16th:
Stress half-caf instead of stress cake! Again!
The new Weight Watchers program update, Freestyle, comes at a good time for me. I can say that I want to include protein in all my main meals, but now that the SmartPoints value of lean proteins is zero, just like fruits and vegetables, I’m more likely to pre-plan my meals around them. I mean, I already eat a decent amount of eggs, tofu, and fish; but now I’m even more inclined to incorporate beans, corn, chicken and turkey breast, and plain nonfat yogurt (which is a passable substitute for sour cream in some applications).
One thing a program reboot can’t do, though, is fix my mental space. Only I can do that.
As I’ve said in months past — all year, actually — I’m sick of feeling fat and frumpy. Almost every month, I end my Weigh-In posts with some hopeful-sounding plan for the future. Blah, blah, blah… rinse and repeat.
What’s it going to take to get me back on track for real — embarrassing vacation pictures come Spring Break time?
I hope it doesn’t come to that… although, at this point, it might.