Cardio Kickboxing: Level Up

Fitbit heart rate graph I’ve decided to back down to one Krav Maga class per week, since the classes can run past my son’s regular bedtime. Since the Fitness Center at my work had a Kickboxing class on the schedule for today, I decided to do that today and Krav on Wednesday.

I didn’t expect this class to kick my ass so hard. I used it as an opportunity to practice proper form — mostly pivoting on my back foot on crosses and hooks — but I hadn’t taken into account how FAST the moves happen. The cardio sections the instructor put in between drills and combos were my chance to lower my heart rate.

I was pleased to note how many of my Krav habits are automatic now: keeping my hands up by my face, pivoting on crosses and hooks, remembering to exhale (even if I don’t kiai), turning my foot sideways on a side kick, and managing to turn on the intensity when warranted — even if I’m beat and in danger of overheating.

I spent a good amount of time in a cold shower after class, cooling down my core.

I feel good right now, on several levels.

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