Mid-May always seems to be when the early bloomers have faded (hyacinth and daffodils, mostly), but the full-on Spring color hasn’t quite broken through.
These red single peonies are always the first peonies to bloom. I transplanted these camassia to this spot from their awkward placement in a different border a couple years ago. Here are the camassia with the peonies (which may get transplanted elsewhere this fall). This is one of the few Tulip Angelique that have survived for some three or four years.
In another two weeks, the double peonies and the Siberian irises and the roses will all be in bloom. By the next Bloom Day, many of those will also have faded, but others will come to take their place.
As always, many thanks to Carol of May Dreams Gardens for hosting Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day on the 15th of each month!