There’s not much bloom action happening outside right now in my Zone 6 garden in northwest Ohio; all the color is indoors.

Above: I received this African violet as a birthday gift from a co-worker at my previous job, some 15 years ago now. Since then, I’ve started a second plant from it… or is this the second plant?
Below: I only recently learned that the correct pronunciation of this plant’s name is not, in fact, kuh-LAN-cho — it’s kal-uhn-KO-ee. However you pronounce it, I have several kalanchoes that bloom in different colors, descended from cuttings from a former co-worker at my current employer about five or six years back.

This purple shamrock was a gift from a coworker who still works with me (hi, N! *waves*), also about five or six years ago. Even though it’s not currently in bloom, it still adds a welcome dash of color to my home.
I promise, not all of my houseplants were gifts from co-workers… just the more colorful ones, I guess.
Thanks as always to Carol Michel for hosting Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day on the 15th of each month! As Elizabeth Lawrence said, “We can have flowers nearly every month of the year.”