If Connor hadn’t told me that his science teacher reminded the class about Thursday night’s lunar eclipse, it would have gotten completely under my radar. He was so into it that he asked me to check whether he’d be able to see it from his window during totality around 3am. Once he realized that he might, he set an alarm and asked for my “good” camera so he could take a picture.
It just so happened that I, in my middle-aged-ness, got up to pee that night around 2:45am. I looked out the bathroom window and was just barely able to see the moon if I craned my neck just right. So, I went back in the bedroom, got my phone, put on my glasses, and spent a few minutes trying to get a decent photo of the lunar eclipse with my iPhone 12.
Connor, on the other hand, got up with his 3am alarm, looked out the window, didn’t see the moon, and went back to sleep.
Aaron had no idea about the eclipse, and was initially bewildered by all the people gawking up at the moon when he got out of work. He took a photo with his iPhone 15 that (unsurprisingly) came out better than mine.
Kinda cool that I happened to see it. I wouldn’t have set an alarm, though.